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DeveloperSteve Coochin

Lumigo Senior Developer Advocate

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Senior Dev Advocate Lumigo, Dev/Maker/Geek/Speaker/streamer/ruralite 🐴🐢🏞️ Prev @snyksec @IBMDeveloper @telstradev @XeroAPI @PayPalDev

Building your way to a serverless powered IOT Buzzwire game

The best internet of things adventures start with a blinky light and end with a serverless invocation, and this talk is no exception. For those new to the world of IOT, fear not! For upon entering this most epic of adventures I am not only going to show you how to build, connect and architect your very own serverless powered IOT enabled devices but also demonstrate a fully working buzzwire game, as seen at AWS reInvent Vegas 2022.

Octopus Unicorn Moth Owl Dino Anteater Robofax
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