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Brent Maxwell

Founder at SalesMuse

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I am a passionate executive leader and founder with my primary expertise being in technology and SaaS product development. Within tech, my deepest experience is in Technology Architecture, Software Engineering and Data & Analytics. I’m currently building tools that leverage LLMs to solve real business problems in novel ways (i.e. not using chatbots!).

Serverless Strategies for AI: Architectural Best Practices

Dive into the world of serverless architectures with Brent Maxwell as he unravels the complexities of integrating AI into flexible, open and scalable systems. This session will cover popular use cases and appropriate architectural decisions based on the most current technologies and frameworks available. We'll explore LLM fallbacks, LangChain and LlamaIndex, RAG and alternative patterns, and how these can be effectively utilized within a serverless framework. Gain insights into available options for LLM APIs like Amazon Bedrock, Together AI, Mistral, OpenAI and more to build awesome serverless solutions.

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